About BizVid Media
BizVid Media is a new division of HQBlue Hi-Def Productions. The
company has been set up to focus on web and mobile media, from live broadcasts
to marketing for TV or mobile devices.
BizVid utilizes high speed servers, based on multi-redundant Tier-1 connectivity
to the main Internet backbone. This equates to exceptional service
levels and superior speeds with no data bottle necks. Aven Dawson has worked in the entertainment industry, including both radio and TV, for well over a decade.
In 1994 he worked for MCI in the US negotiating and implementing DS3 and T1 data sales as part of a federal government contract that MCI won to manage the National Science Foundation Network (NSF-Net), now known as the Internet. One of his senior managers was Vint Serf, one of the pioneers of the Internet and co-author of TCP/IP.
He then founded NCDS, an interactive software company targeting the home entertainment market. Titles included 'Interactive Sailing', 'Wing Nuts', and numerous children’s learning CD-ROMs. In 1997, he successfully obtained the digital license rights from Kinetics for 'The Dancing Baby' and was partly responsible for the success of the Dancing Baby Internet animation, made famous on the Ally McBeal TV series. He also obtained the commercial rights from both MGM and EON Productions for the James Bond 007 franchise and launched a range of commercial budget products sold though retail stores worldwide.
About HQBlue
Aven established HQBlue Media Productions and won several Hi Def productions contracts such as the Cannonball Run Europe, Ballet On Ice and The Mexican Guitar Festival and provided royalty free test samples of high definition programming for Europe’s leading satellite broadcaster, SES ASTRA. He also undertook a project at Steinway & Sons, London and became a writer for High Definition and Hi Def Home Magazine. In addition, he lectured at several venues including The Video Production Show at Earl’s Court between 2003-2006 and MIPCom Cannes as well as Guest Lecturing at Bournemouth University’s Interactive Media Department.
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